Tuesday, September 6, 2011

MY baby's First day of school

MY baby starts school today....it is a happy time yet a sad time all at the same time :(

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Festivals and festivities

SO I just returned from a Spiritual weekend, it was most needed, I facilitated some really good workshops and even learned a bit while I was doing so.

It is great to dance around the fields with sisters, sing and drum.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

More Trials of Life...

So things aren't getting any better, I am in Insurance Hell.  It is somewhat of a nightmare for me.
I just had second round of Cortizone shots and they do not seem to be helping much, we may end up ceasing the treatments until I see a specialist.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Trials of Life...

Well Summer came....and it seems as though it went just as quick.....funny weather this year, that's for sure.
15 Days till my 32 birthday....man I feel old!  lol  I am heading for a shopping excursion with the girls though this month, should prove to be fun!

I have more soap to make but between the appointments and feeling like dog poop I son't feel like doing much.

Went to Sissiboo this last weekend, it was fun, friends came along, the river at night was amazing!  We did a bonfire and smores.

Getting things ready for the big Cancer Weekend, I just hope some of the family keeps in line and doesn't ruin what we are trying to do.  I will cross my fingers on this!

I got my 2 swaps finished and out before Canada Post goes on a longer strike.  I am awaiting for partners on the third!